
Netzwerk Tutorienarbeit




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Teaching in a culturally diverse environment: Developing tools and competences for the classroom and beyond

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Modul II, Themenbereich 1

  • Themenbereich 1
  • Modul II
  • Workshop
Wann 05.05.2025
von 09:00 bis 17:00
Wo Universität Freiburg
Kontakttelefon 0761-203-2451
Termin übernehmen vCal

Teaching in a culturally diverse environment poses particular challenges, as both students and instructors must navigate different cultural codes and assumptions, ideas about teaching and learning, and potentially different languages. In this workshop, participants will reflect on their own intercultural experiences to identify the competences they need to teach in an intercultural classroom. By working through examples from their own teaching practice, participants will begin to develop a tailored set of tools to create an enabling environment and help them act with more ease in intercultural situations.


Over the course of this workshop, participants will:

  • develop a better understanding of the concept of interculturality.
  • learn how to take advantage of cultural shock to build cultural competence.
  • share experiences and develop tools based on real-life teaching situations.
  • begin building a strategy for their next courses.


Referent/in Dr. Johann Chalmel
 Thursday, 08.05.2025
Format Präsenz
Umfang1 day / 8 AE
OrtUniversität Freiburg


Anmeldung: Hier geht es zur Anmeldung unter Auswahl der Veranstaltung und Angabe Ihrer Kontaktdaten.

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